The Speakers of 2009


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JSConf in Washington, DC in April this year proved to be the homecoming of a JavaScript community that didn't know it existed. The conference got top marks all around for content, community and fun. With, we let that spirit live on and give JavaScript a home in Europe. (why let the americans have all the fun? :)

Mark November 7th/8th in your calendar, we'll be presenting top speakers in the field and a relaxing atmosphere in Berlin, Germany's pulsing capital. Join us for a two-day, community-focussed indie conference with top technical content around your favourite language and great opportunities to meet like-minded people.

Our speakers so far include:

Amy Hoy,
Thomas Fuchs,
John Resig,
Dion Almaer &
Ben Galbraith

We'll be announcing more great speakers in the coming weeks.

We are still looking for the greatest minds, the most interesting projects as well as insight into frameworks and tools all around the JavaScript language — client side, server side, dark side of the moon.

We're concerned about diversity in our industry and would like to encourage more women to do talks.

If you are interested in presenting at or if you want to recommend somebody please let us know!

The call for speakers is now closed.

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