The Speakers of 2009

Peter Svensson - Using dojox.gfx and dojox.charting for stunning, portable, cross-browser, real-time 2D graphics

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Peter Svensson will give us deep insights into real-time 2D graphics in the browser.

PSvensson_sw.jpegThe Dojo Ajax Toolkit has a multitude of different features that help save time for the harried JavaScript developer. One of the most powerful and yet least known is the Canvas like dojox.gfx API, which adapts itself to the browser's 2D capabilities. It can use VML, SVG, Canvas and Silverlight, depending on what the browser supports. On top of the dojox.gfx library is also built the dojox.charting API which leverages the cross-browser graphics of dojox.gfx to provide snappy, versatile, themable and configurable charting with tooltips, dynamic scaling and general eventing.

Peter's Bio
Peter Svensson is an entrepreneur and Java developer turned Ajax and JavaScript evangelist.
He is a contributor to the Dojo Ajax Toolkit and author of the book "Learning Dojo". When not talking at conferences, he's busy developing his company "Hermit Village" with competences ranging from Dojo, Android, and App Engine to OpenSocial, Layar and Google Friend Connect. He is also the organizer of the Scandinavian Web Developer Conferences and the Google Technology User Group for Stockholm, Sweden.

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