The Speakers of 2009

Nikolai Onken: Dojo, from sketchboard to result

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NOnken_sw.jpgThe Dojo Toolkit gives you very powerful tools to build great applications without having to do a lot of groundwork. In this talk I will give you insight into the more advanced features of the Dojo Toolkit such as the data layers, Comet, user-interactive charting, advanced form handling and complex layouts.
You will get an overview of the declarative and programatic approaches Dojo both supports and see how to get from sketchboard to result in an efficient and fast way.

Nikolai's Bio:
Nikolai Onken is committer and community evangelist of the Dojo Toolkit. He is co-founder of and the regular Dojo.cast() podcast.
Being the lead frontend architect at uxebu, Nikolai is currently heavily involved in mobile development and is pushing the use of the Dojo Toolkit and other standard web techniques in mobile devices forward.
He has created two of the Dojo themes and has written loads of Dojo plugins, widgets and fully fledged applications. You can find him at one of the many events which he is helping to organize all over Europe.

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