The Speakers of 2009

Steve Souders at

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We are honored to have Steve Souders speak about JavaScript in-the-browser performance!

SSouders_sw.jpgSteve works at Google on web performance and open source initiatives. He previously served as Chief Performance Yahoo!. Steve is the author of High Performance Web Sites and Even Faster Web Sites. He created YSlow, the performance analysis plug-in for Firefox. He serves as co-chair of Velocity, the web performance and operations conference from O'Reilly, and is co-founder of the Firebug Working Group. He recently taught CS193H: High Performance Web Sites at Stanford University.

"Even Faster Web Sites"
Web 2.0 is adding more and more content to our pages, especially features that are implemented in Ajax. But our web applications are evolving faster than the browsers that they run in. We don't have to rely on or wait for the release of new browsers to make our web applications faster. In this session, Steve Souders discusses web performance best practices from his second book, Even Faster Web Sites. These time-saving techniques are used by the world's most popular web sites to create a faster user experience, increase revenue, and reduce operating costs. Steve provides technical details about reducing the pain of JavaScript, as well as secrets for making your page load faster in emerging markets where network connectivity is a challenge.

Steve might also have some time to talk about the JS behind his new tool SpriteMe and maybe (but just maybe) we might even have a contest in massively parallel JavaScript loading with Getify :)

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Steve and I had a great little breakout session at jQuery Conference about pushing JavaScript Loading to its limits, comparing LABjs to his EFWS. Since then we've been collaborating to meld minds and get a good single offering for such.

As for me (and I hope I speak for Steve), I think it'll be lots of fun and great info for us to have a similiar head-to-head at JSConf.EU. I look forward to it!

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