The Speakers of 2009

Big time support by Nokia for

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ovi1N_green_RGB_rev.pngAs posted earlier, we're half way there. Today we're more than happy to announce Nokia as our platinum sponsor supporting us on this way!

Since Berlin is not only the location for the but also the base of Nokia's Social Location Services, getting together couldn't have been easier. Of course, there is a bit more to it as Nokia is doing some big shifts towards web technology. The mobile Internet is one of the trend topics, we know that for sure. From this point of view Javascript might become the most important programming language in the mobile industry. Not just for websites, but for powerful standalone applications and widgets.

Looking at our speakers list and the topics covered the best of Javascript expertise will be present in November. A great reason for everyone but also one of the reasons why Nokia wants to be part of the conference. It's the opportunity to get hands on the latest stuff, trends, knowledge and engage in expanding their network. Our sponsoring partner does not only want to get in touch on-site but also share new gained input to the rest of their lads. That's pretty cool, we think. What you think matters even more as Nokia is looking forward to get some real feedback on their new Ovi SDK and APIs waiting for you to be tested.

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