The Speakers of 2009 Preparation Half Time

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We're still shaping and we don't yet know all the details, but we thought it'd be a good idea to give you an overview and summary of what we have planned for you:

Here is a preliminary list of speakers. We'll be announcing more as they come in:

Amy Hoy, Thomas Fuchs, John Resig, Dion Almaer & Ben Galbraith, Douglas Crockford, Ryan Dahl, Kevin Dangoor, Kyle Simpson, Steve Souders.

We'll open breakfast at 08:30 on both days, but don't rush too fast (especially on the after-party morning) because the programme starts at 09:30 on Saturday and 09:45 on Sunday. Expect Bacon.

We'll break for coffee on 11:00 and 16:00 hours and serve lunch at 13:00. In between we give you the best of JavaScript talks in two tracks.

Both days run until around 19:00 (expect some overtime) when we'll give you a chance to check out a bit of Berlin, but not for too long! On 21:00 we'll follow up with a post-conference party each day.

Track B, The Underground Track
At in Washington, Track B was a truly BarCamp style track with all sorts of really great ad-hoc content. We're bringing Track B over to, but with a twist. Because the presentation proposals we received for Track A were mind blowing, leaving us devastated that we had to pick a select few, we decided to use some of Track B to give you more JavaScript goodness and to allow more speakers to attend and share their spirit & knowledge. We're not losing the BarCamp spirit though. Track B, now dubbed "The Underground Track" (you'll learn soon enough why :), is a fair mixture of scheduled presentations with enough free space in between for anybody to sign up for any addition talk he or she might want to give, true BarCamp style.

The Saturday party will be pivotal to as we'll invite Berlin locals that couldn't make it to to meet, greet & drink with the speakers & attendees. Details on both parties are not fixed yet, but we'll post them here as soon as possible.

It might sound like a good idea to travel back home on Sunday night, but you'll be missing another farewell get-together. Besides, despite what your boss thinks, we hope to have blown your mind over the weekend that you probably don't want to work on Monday anyway, so why the rush? :)

Our speaker hotel is the lovely Hotel New Berlin. In addition we have reserved a small contingent of rooms for participants as well. If you're booking with the code JSCONF, you'll get a special rate until October 9. It is valid for three nights on the 6th, 7th & 8th of November.

The Google maps search for hotels close to the venue gives you some more options ranging from high-class to backpacker-hostel.

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